Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Missing Mom

I miss my Mom...

1. I miss talking to her. She loved talking on the phone and was really good at calling all of us and staying in touch.

2. I miss shopping with her. She loved to shop. She had tons of energy and could shop till I dropped. She was my best shopping buddy.

3. I miss her visits. Mom and Dad travelled to our home on a regular basis, sharing most holidays. There is a void at family gatherings.

4. I miss her advice, especially on kid stuff. I would love her opinion and input.

5. I miss her  touch. She doesn't usually hug back anymore.

6. I miss her voice. She doesn't talk much anymore. She used to repeat I love you, when I said it but not anymore.

7. I miss the way she used to gather us. Now we are on our own. She was really  good at keeping everyone connected with each other. I haven't talked with my aunts in a really long time. I am going to try harder.

8. I miss her gift of giving. I find my self buying things for my grandkids because it looks like something she would buy for them.

9. I miss how she took care of dad. He is doing fanstatic, but her input is missing.

10. I miss her love and the way she made me feel. I know she loves me but this disease doesn't allow her to show it much. However, at Christmas she gave us kisses and a wave, which was so sweet. It was the highlight of our visit.

11. I miss watching her love on my kids and grandkids.

12. I miss her encouragement when I'm sick or down or discouraged.

I have had a wonderful life with a wonderful loving mother. If your mama is alive, cherish every moment.  Give her the gift of spending time together.  Hug her and tell her you love her!

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