Monday, December 24, 2012


There seems to be purple everywhere these days... 

I bought a purple scarf today, because purple is my mother's favorite color. There was a time when she might have argued that it's lavender but to me its purple. She likes purple flowers, she has a favorite purple suit, she painted her bedroom purple. They have purple towels and purple rugs in the bathroom. You get the idea. I have never been fond of purple. The only thing I ever remember owning is a long plaid wool coat with a velvet purple collar. My mom liked that coat. 

It's kind of cool that the color that represents Alzheimer's disease is purple. Now that I can't communicate very well with mom with words, I try to communicate with her with color. I bring her favorite color to her, in blankets, clothes, in flowers, balloons, decorations on cupcakes etc. In the last few months, I have found myself buying items that are purple. At first, it was so I had something to wear on Alzheimer Awareness Day, but now I wear purple to my visits. It's a way to remember Mom's preferences and honor her. It's funny that I now like purple if only because my mom does. I am finding the color comforting.  I'm looking forward to wearing my purple scarf to my Christmas visit with my mom.
Christmas visit 2012